Online Marketing Services for Donations

BlindMonkeyMedia has just started a new experimental program called, free online marketing services for donations. This new service is meant to help out people in Costa Rica that are unemployed, students or people wanting to learn about the marketing industry.

We started this free online marketing service because we were getting an influx of emails from people that were looking for a job or an internship.

No offense to anyone, but we were hearing a lot of sob stories about how difficult it was to find a job in the online marketing industry due to the current economy.

As much as we wanted to help out and give everyone a job or an internship, our budget would not allow for it which is why we started this program that offers:

  • Free online marketing
  • Free website design services
  • Free SEO serives
  • Free Graphic Design Services
  • Free SMM services

The program is simple, if a company or individual meets our criteria for the free service, we will do the free service for them and if they enjoyed the service, they can choose to donate money for the work done.

All of the donations will then go to everyone that participated in the project.

This project serves 5 main purposes:

  1. Help out unemployed people
  2. Help out start up companies that have a great product but cannot afford it
  3. Help the economy of Costa Rica.
  4. Give people a chance to add to their resume to increase their marketibility
  5. Help people learn new skills

I certainly hope that this new program will be a hit and that it can help out people out there.

if you would like to get more information about this service, please visit, and make a difference today.